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Contact Us

Contact Us Thank you for choosing Dhee Rani Program! We’re here to support you with any questions or concerns related to the Punjab Dhee Rani Programme (Collective Marriages Programme). Whether you’re looking for guidance on the application process, need clarity on eligibility requirements, or have any other inquiries, we’re just an email away.

If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out at Our team is dedicated to providing timely and helpful responses to ensure you have all the information needed to take full advantage of this program.

To stay updated on the latest announcements, news, and important details regarding the Dhee Rani Programme, we encourage you to visit our website frequently. We’re committed to keeping you informed every step of the way.

How to Reach Us:

We’re here to help you access the support your family deserves and make the process as smooth as possible. We look forward to assisting you!