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9 Days Left In Dhee Rani Program Registration Latest Update

Dhee Rani Program

9 Days Left In Dhee Rani Program Registration There are only nine days left for registration in Dhi Rani program, the registration process has already started. You can follow two procedures for registration. One procedure is to complete your registration through the online portal. Another method is to choose the office for your registration which the Department of Social Welfare establishes.

Here you are given two registration procedures by following which you can complete your registration Remember that there are only nine days left in the registration, before you complete your registration, then your registration is complete and you get a confirmation message. If you don’t complete your registration before then there is no point in registering later so complete the registration on time so that you also get the confirmation message.

Process Follow Of Dhirani Program After Registration

Step By Step Registration Process Start

A step-by-step procedure for completing the registration is given. To complete the online registration, you have to follow the steps which are mentioned below.

  • First, you must go to the Dhi Rani Program’s official website to complete your registration.
  • After going there, you have to click on the registration button, then a form will open in front of you
  • You have to write your full name, full ID card number, district, and also your registered phone number.
  • After that you have to select the gender is male or female and then you have to click on the registered button.
  • So, the registration stage will start for you. In the first stage, if you are a bride, you will be asked for the bride’s information.
  • So Enter Your Information Name Identity Card Number Tehsil Father or Guardian Anyone Name Parent Name Full Address
  • In the second step, the information of the groom will be asked and the bride has to fill in the details
  • Entering Groom’s Parents ID Card Phone Number ID Card Photos After that you will be confirmed that whatever information you are going to provide.
  • It is correct, after that, you will click on the submit button and your registration process will be completed

Dhirani Program Login Portal For Registered People System Updated

Offline Registration In Dhi Rani Program

  • Another procedure for Dhi Rani Program registration is to visit your nearest Social Welfare Department office for registration.
  • After going there, go to the registration disk of the Dhee Rani program. If you go there, the registration form will be placed in front of you.
  • You have to enter your complete information in the registration form, your ID card number, phone number, complete house information, ID card photos, bride’s information, groom’s information, guardian’s information, and whatever is asked.
  • You have to submit it correctly after that you have to submit the registration form back
  • You will be informed that your registration process has started

Punjab Dhee Rani FAQs (Collective Marriages Program)

Important Dates and Deadlines

The final date for registration is November 5, 2024. Here are some critical dates to keep in mind:

9 Days Left In Dhee Rani Program Registration
  • Last Day to Register: November 5, 2024
  • Announcement of Selected Applicants: Estimated in late November.
  • Distribution of Financial Aid: Specific dates will be announced after applicant selection.

Latest Updates on the Program

The registration process has started in the Dhirani program and about 3000 people will be included in it whose details are mentioned above and after adding these people the complete details will be given. will go If you also want to complete your registration then complete the details of the registration process any person wants to join this program and after joining want to benefit from the Deirani program.

DD Offices List Announce For Punjab Dhee Rani Programme Registration

So he can easily get all the information. For more information and details read the article on the website carefully to know whether you are eligible or not. Complete details of Eligibility for Dhi Rani Program Registration process and Eligibility Check details are explained here.

How To Track Application After Registration

It is a question of many people what to do till the registration process in Deerani program is complete. After you have submitted your registration online, you should log in from time to time and check your details.

You will keep track of where your details have reached and if you have been registered in the Dirani program, your details have been registered in the program or not. So how will you get the details of this program the complete list of details is provided here


The complete details of how many days are left in Dhirani program registration are given here so that you can complete your registration process and know whether you have qualified or not.

For more information and details please read the article on our website carefully and two to three methods of registration are given here so that you want to get more information about your registration. So the registration process of the Dirani program will be closed after nine days, you can get its complete details from here


1. How do I register for the Dhee Rani Program?
You can register online through the programโ€™s official website or visit your local Social Welfare Department office.

2. What documents are required for registration?
You’ll need a CNIC, your contact details, and information on both the bride and groom.

3. Can I track my application status after submitting it?
Yes, log in to the programโ€™s portal to check your applicationโ€™s progress regularly.

4. What is the deadline for Dhee Rani Program registration?
The last day to register is November 5, 2024.

5. When will selected applicants be notified?
The selected applicants are expected to be announced in late November.

6. Is there any way to register after the deadline?
No, applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted, so please complete registration on time.